Some Gith subspecies have been lost to time, either due to their creators going under, or sites and content disappearing over time. These include the Githtorai and the Githzada.
There was at one point information on the Githtorai mentioned in the Mystara Realms-L Archives, and an Illithid Player Character PDF download[1]. Both sources no longer appear to be online. ENWorld User Nellisir[2] claims to have made them, inspired by the Kif of the Chanur novels by C.J. Cherryh, as scouts and hunters who remained in the Underdark to fight Illithids. Based on their name alone, it could be assumed that there is relation, or shared language, with the Githzerai. They have much in common with the Githgagra, being intelligent Illithid hunters surviving in the Underdark…
The Githzada were an offshoot of the peoples enslaved by the Illithids. They were created by Fiend Games for a planned Project: Planeshifter, however Fiend Games closed up shop before releasing anything more than some titles and a preview article in Gaming Frontiers, Premiere Issue 00[3].
This variation of Gith found refuge on a planet of dwarves, and quickly became allies. These dwarves "were masters of steam technology and other advanced forms of engineering[4]. The dwarves shared this knowledge with the Githzada, who quickly took to the technology and aimed it toward warfare. With the intent to enslave the Illithids, they fused together their Psionic abilities and the Firearms they learned to create. Over time, their mastery of engineering and hunger for vengeance has led them on a similar path as the Githyanki: They will destroy anything that gets in their way.