An offshoot of the race that would eventually become Githzerai, Githyanki, and others. Rather than following the other factions into the Astral, Limbo, or Arcane Space, Githgagra stayed in the Underdark to fight Illithids.
They are tall, long-limbed humanoids with large eyes and pale skin. They are generally Albino, and their eyes are usually on a gradient between blue and red. Generally thin-framed, and having sharp facial features and pointed eared, they have a reptilian bearing in their movement, as well as more pronounced reptilian features - their skin is scaly (which is due to hereditary icthyosis). They are still capable of laying eggs, but most carry their unborn within, like humans.
They have a form of psionic awareness that helps them keep aware in darkness, and are not easily surprised. They also have infravision. As with most Underdark denizens, they struggle with the bright sun on the surface.
Being from the Underdark, Githgagra make do with whatever materials they can find.There’s little room for fashion, and their psionicists will often use flesh armor, and attempt to confound their enemies[2]. When they do wear armor, it’s primarilly chainmail, with metal forged of blue steel and small traces of Mithril and Adamantite.
Githgagra, like the Githyanki, have a soft spot for Silver Swords. They prefer Scimitars over the classical longsword, however, and they mix in rare alloys and other materials gained in trade with the Deep Gnomes, imprinting them with Psionic Circuitry. As materials are hard to come by underground, they don’t shy away from scavenging weapons from the battlefield.
They are allied with the Deep Gnomes, and have no friendship or trade with Drow, Dwarves, or Kuo-Toa. They often speak undercommon, common, duergar, derro, dwarf, drow, kuo-toa, illithid, and any gith language.
Githgagra have a keen sense of curiosity. They have special interest in humans, and ask them incessantly about their origins, much to the dismay of the questioned.
Githgagra are cautious of Githzerai, as they’re too chaotic. They’re hostile toward Githyanki. Regardless, they have academic interest in all Gith races and subraces, and will do whatever they can to learn more information[1].
Notably, they shy away from the use of lethal venoms and poisons, unless the target of their ire is Illithid. They do have a fondness for Hallucinogens, and some psionicists are capable of producing wide-ranged psychedelics.