These entries will tell the spell what sounds to play at specific points of the spell, if they are not dictaed elsewhere. They are usually in the string id format found in their respective RootTemplate’s.
This sound will play at the initial preperation of a spell.
Example: data "PrepareSound" "Spell_Prepare_Damage_Necrotic_Gen_L1to3"
This sound will play continuously while you idle the preparation of a spell, during target selection, and after the initial PrepareSound
Example: data "PrepareLoopSound" "Action_Loop_Item_SummonHusband"
This sound is played the moment the spell is cast.
Example: data "CastSound" "Action_Cast_LightningAura"
This sound is played the moment the spell connects with it’s intended target.
Example: data "TargetSound" "Action_Impact_Item_GiantBlade"
This is usually a soundbit that is played during the overall casting of the player, intended as a specialized sound, paired with the spell flag “HasVerbalComponent”.
Example: data "VocalComponentSound" "Vocal_Component_Disadvantage"